
Launched in 2023, G1 Silicon Valley engages with a select group of leaders in the US and Japan. It aims to create a community by deepening each other's understandings and developing synergies for future endeavors.

  • US & Japanese leaders networking with each other in a closed, private setting
  • A platform to share creation and innovation between the US and Japan


Date Wednesday, April 16, 2025:  Cocktail Hour and Welcome Reception
Thursday, April 17, 2025:  Panel Sessions, followed by Farewell Dinner
Participation Eligibility By invitation only 
Language English


  • 2024
  • 2023
  • 4/17(Wednesday)
  • 4/18(Thursday)
4/17 (Wednesday)

Cocktail Time

Ocean Lawn

Welcome Reception Dinner

Ocean Lawn
Welcome Reception Dinner
  • Toast: Alex Liu

    Managing Partner, Kearney


The Inaugural G1 Silicon Valley Theme:
“The US-Japan Contribution to the World: What should we do next?”

Inflation in the US and Japan, a rising China, the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, the emergence of ChatGPT—these are but some of the issues and opportunities we face today, as G1 holds its first event outside Japan in Silicon Valley.

Over two days, at the Inaugural G1 Silicon Valley, we will discuss these and other pressing issues through panel sessions, lunch workshop, and over meals and drinks. In doing so, we will forge new relationships among G1 members and our kindred spirits in the US, for stronger US-Japan ties and our contribution to better world.

By bringing together the proactive, action-oriented principles of G1 and the entrepreneurial spirit and tenacity of Silicon Valley, together we in Japan and the US can combine our strengths and increase our contribution to the world.

Cocktail Time
会場:Ocean Lawn
Welcome Reception Dinner
会場:Ocean Lawn
Opening Session
Session 1
Economic Outlook: Inflation, Financial Stability and New Global Realities

Powerful forces are pushing the global economy towards increasing uncertainty. Contradictory forces are now at work, with the fight against inflation now beginning to feed fears of financial instability and a possible credit crunch. In addition, globalization and deregulation has been replaced by national, industrial, and economic security as top priorities for policy makers. This panel aims to address the key trends, challenges and opportunities that will shape the future of the US, Japanese, and global economies.

Thierry Porte
Thierry Porte
Managing Director, J.C. Flowers & Co.
Preethi Prasad
Preethi Prasad
Partner, AT Kearney
Daniel Springer
Daniel Springer
Board Director, UiPath and DocuSign
Jesper Koll
Jesper Koll
Expert Director, Monex Group
Session 2
Venture Capital and the Investment Climate

Although Silicon Valley's tech sector grew during the COVID-19 pandemic, recent tech layoffs and the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank are threatening the area's economy. How has this affected the investment climate specifically? VCs and investors need to be aware of the effects on finance, the development of LLMs, the reveal of "fake" unicorns, and the geopolitical situation. Panelists will discuss these issues, how to get ready for the "next big thing," how to globalize in the face of these challenges, and potential innovations to VC's business models. We will wrap up by discussing what VCs in the US and Japan can contribute to the world going forward.

Dave Chen
Dave Chen
Managing Director, Head of Global Technology Investment Banking, Morgan Stanley
Naoko Okumoto
Naoko Okumoto
Founder & Managing Director, NIREMIA Collective
Arthur Trueger
Arthur Trueger
Managing Director, Berkeley VC International
Shinichi Takamiya
Shinichi Takamiya
Managing Partner, GLOBIS Capital Partners
Lunch Workshop
会場:Observatory & Terrace
US-Japan Contribution to the World: What should we do next?

Please go to your assigned table and enjoy a boxed lunch for a discussion about the conference theme. There are no formal presentations, so please talk freely. We’ve asked facilitators to help lead the conversation.

Session 3
The Intersection of Design and Business

Design, no longer just about aesthetics, is a powerful tool that can help companies solve complex problems, innovate, and create better products and services. Historically, both Japan and Silicon Valley have built much of their economic success on the development of new technologies, but today, good technology alone is not enough. So in competitive markets, many companies leverage the power of design to differentiate their offerings with simple, unique user experiences. This panel discussion will share practical knowledge about how to apply design for business success, and especially how design can accelerate startup companies on both sides of the Pacific. The panelists are leaders in design, investment, and entrepreneurship, who will share their insights on the importance of design in business and how it can be used to create value for societ

Chris Cowart
Chris Cowart
Managing Director, Nomura-SRI Innovation Center (NSIC)
Ari Horie
Ari Horie
CEO/Founder, Women's Startup Lab
Tom Kelley
Tom Kelley
Partner, IDEO/D4V
Patricia Lee-Hoffman
Patricia Lee-Hoffman
Co-Founder, Flutter Eyewear and Triage Consulting Group
Makoto Takano
Makoto Takano
CEO & Founder of Forbes JAPAN linkties Holdings Co., Ltd.
Session 4
Geopolitics in the US, Japan, and China

We are currently in a global era of fragmentation and competing world views, with widening gaps between political stances and economic realities. The fundamental nature of US-China competition is very different when seen from Washington, Beijing, and Tokyo. Even within the US, the relationship with China looks quite different between Washington DC, California generally, and Silicon Valley, with contrasting emphases on geopolitics, Asian American diasporas, and economic/innovation ties. The economic and political realities that Japan sees for itself is also a stark contrast to Washington's hopes for Japan as a staunch ally in US-China competition, since Japan is navigating deep economic ties with China while maintaining strong security ties with the US. Developments within China and the nature of Xi Jinping's leadership are critical in global geopolitics. This panel will discuss developments within each county, the implications for international relations, and potential impact on business.

Fiona Ma
Fiona Ma
California State Treasurer
Kenji Kushida
Kenji Kushida
Senior Fellow, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Session 5
Generative AI - the next big platform shift

ChatGPT launched in November 2022, a tectonic shift in the development of AI. Now, many businesses are applying generative AIs to their business, but it is still in an early phase. Where is the technology going? GPT-4, plug-in applications, and competing LLMs - all of this is moving very fast. What should we anticipate next? Are we finally close to getting AGI (artificial general intelligence)? Is this the next big platform everyone anticipated? Panelists will discuss the business implications, including the winners, how should startups compete and where to find the next gold mine.They will also discuss the political implications, how to regulate AI, and how to navigate in this tense geopolitical environment.

Mitchell Baker
Mitchell Baker
CEO, Mozilla Corporation & Chairwoman, Mozilla Foundation
Shane Gu
Shane Gu
AI Expert
Hiroaki Kitano
Hiroaki Kitano
Senior Executive Vice President and CTO of Sony Group Corporation
Ken Suzuki
Ken Suzuki
CEO and co-founder, SmartNews
Emre Yuasa
Emre Yuasa
Partner, GLOBIS Capital Partners
Closing Session
Cocktail Hour
会場:Observatory & Terrace
Farewell Dinner


日時 Thursday, April 20, 2023 through Friday, April 21, 2023

2024 Sponsorship

Gold Sponsor
With the mission of "Responding to the changing economic environment and providing a secure future'', TREASURY, Inc. specializes in three core businesses: ''Tech'', "Real Estate" and "Human Resources'', aiming to streamline clients' operations and optimize costs.

Especially in the Tech Business sector, we serve as a leading company in providing comprehensive services related to electronic contracts and commercial transactions. Collaborating with renowned lawyers and tax professionals, we have developed two SaaS-type systems in-house, ensuring security and safety in compliance with government regulations and legal amendments:

1) "Great Sign": A cloud-based electronic contract system that facilitates complex contract signing processes through an online management interface.
2) "Great eKYC": A system ensuring secure online identity verification in various transactions such as financial and real estate dealings, registration tasks, communication equipment sales, and transactions involving secondhand goods.

To successfully implement Agile development methodologies for both scratch development projects and API implementation projects, a multinational team of engineers based in Japan HQ and offshore engineers from the Philippines and Vietnam collaborate to deliver secure and reliable global services with shortened release periods and flexible adaptation to specifications and requirements.
Moreover, Treasury, Inc. conducts Human Resource Development Support to nurture and promote the employment of talented individuals who are motivated to work domestically or overseas.
Bronze Sponsors
Individual Sponsors
Ms. Keiko Honda
Ms. Ai Koike
Dr. Kazuo Yano

Advisory Board

Mitchell Baker 
Chairwoman, Mozilla Foundation
Executive Chair, Mozilla Corporation
Keiko Honda 
Adjunct Professor and Adjunct Senior Research Scholar, Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs
Yoshito Hori 
President, G1 Institute
Founder and President, GLOBIS University
Founding Partner, GLOBIS Capital Partners
Ari Horie 
Founder & CEO, Women’s Startup Lab
Representative Director, Women's Startup Lab Impact Foundation Japan
Jesper Koll 
Expert Director
Monex Group
Kenji Kushida 
Senior Fellow
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Catherine Porter 
Chief Business Officer, Prove
Advisor, GLOBIS Capital Partners
Advisor, Mysten Labs
Daniel Springer 
Board Director
UiPath and DocuSign
Ken Suzuki 
Co-Founder and Executive Chair of the Board



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