"Toshoryusei Juku" is a school established with a strong determination to improve Japan through changes at the local government level in a joint and synchronized manner. The school provides public leaders, such as heads of local governments, members of local assemblies and NPOs, with opportunities to expand their learning and grow further. The name "Toshuryusei" incorporates the names of four activists in history – "to" for Toko Fujita, "sho" for Shoin Yoshida, "ryu" for Ryoma Sakamoto and "sei" for Takamori Saigo. In Toshoryusei Juku, about 20 aspiring leaders deepen their learning in a friendly rivalry through the 6 programs over the 2 year term. Toshoryusei Juku is completely different from conventional public policy schools, focusing on nurturing a business mindset, the skills and spirit required to plan and implement policies, which fulfill the G1 Principles (i) "Make proposals rather than mere criticism," and (ii) "Take actions, do not just form ideas." Toshoryusei Juku is produced and taught by members of the G1 Governors & Mayors Network, including Mr. Eikei Suzuki, Governor of Mie Prefecture, and Ms. Naomi Koshi, Mayor of Otsu City.