Membership Criteria

  • G1 Summit
    Leading professionals including senior business executives, politicians, government officials, academics, intellectuals, cultural figures, and media professionals
    (invitation only)
  • G1 Global Conference
    Japanese and international business executives, government decision-makers, senior academics and opinion leaders who are active in the global arena (invitation-based participation).
  • G1 Executive Conference
    Executive officers and management members of Japan’s leading companies
    (invitation only)
  • G1 New Leaders Summit
    Leaders in their 20’s and 30’s who have made their marks in various fields and will likely to exert a strong influence on the future of society
    (invitation only)
  • G1 Region
    Leading professionals including senior business executives, politicians, government officials, academics, intellectuals, cultural figures, and media professionals
    (invitation only)
  • G1 Venture
    1) Top executives of venture companies (CEOs or equivalents)
    2) Individuals who are involved in venture businesses, including investors, venture capitalists, consultants and professionals in charge of new business development at major companies
    3) Individuals who are part of the ecosystem of venture businesses development, such as politicians, government officials, academics and media professionals
    (invitation only)
  • G1 Silicon Valley
    Business executives, leaders in venture companies, government decision-makers, and opinion leaders, particularly those who are active in the US and/or Japan (invitation-based participation).
※Please note that the membership eligibility described above may be updated without prior notice.